It is so much fun to work with your dog, learning new tricks. The feeling of accomplishment you receive once your furry friend masters a new trick is nothing short of a proud parent! And your pet just loves to please you so they are willing to learn something new.
There is an awesome pup on youtube these days by the name of Norman the Scooter Dog. He is a brilliant Briard who lives in South Carolina with his mom, Karen Cobb. He can ride a bike! Yes, he uses training wheels but didn’t you start with training wheels? Check out the video to see him in action. Karen said that Norman loved this new trick and while learning it does take more time, effort and patience then say mastering “sit”, it was worth it!
So, you want to train your pooch to ride a bike? A few things you need to consider if you want to ride down that path:
1. Patience is key. Don’t think you can present your dog with a bike and he will just jump aboard and ride. This is may not be rocket science but you will need to stay calm.
2. Strength Training Required. If you haven’t gone on a bike ride for some a bit, give it a try. Do you notice how your legs ache after your first ride? Well, consider your pets legs? One of the first things to do is work out the back legs. Try getting your dog to stand on their back legs for a few months, building the muscles.
3. Praise and reward. Remember to keep it fun! Don’t force your dog to do it if they don’t seem interested. Keep them happy and always reward them with treats and love when they master each step!
Keep it fun for you both! Enjoy!