Are Your Pets Disaster-Prepared?

Disaster Preparedness and Your Pets

Disaster preparedness


If a disaster were to strike tomorrow, would you be ready? Would you know what to do, where to go and what to grab in an instant? Whether you encounter an earthquake, flood or even some type of family emergency, would you be ready to spring into action and have all of your pets taken care of on a moments notice? Below are a few key things you need to square away today to be prepared for the proverbial “Tomorrow”. 

Disaster PreparednessFrom

An Emergency Pack – Find yourself a bag that will accommodate most of your needed items. What items? Glad you asked! Gather medicines your pet may need, a leash and collar for each pet, a collapsible bowl for water, a brush and comb. Ask your vet for a few emergency sedatives to calm an anxious pet during the immediate disaster. Include up to date clear photos of each pet. Add some of their favorite snacks. Snacks can be calming during an emergency (what? you reach for snacks when you’re stressed too). 

A Carrier – Ensure you have a carrier for each pet. It needs to be large enough to keep them comfortable in the event they need to stay for some time. Pack a pillow, blanket and some toys. Keep those items stored in the carrier in case you need to rush out. The carrier needs to be able to withstand cold, rain and disaster type scenarios. Don’t forget a disposable kitty liter box with litter for your cat. 

A List – The list must include your vets contact info, your nearest relatives info, a list of your pets medications and shot history. Don’t forget  rabies and license number. The ID number of your microchips and the company’s contact information should also be on the list. Go ahead and jot down local hotels that allow pets and ones who will let your pet to stay during an emergency. Find out where you can go in an emergency to board your pets safely. Obtain several sites in the event they are unavailable or booked up in the event of a disaster.


Keep all of these materials together in an area of the home that is easily accessible by ALL family members AND don’t forget to let them know where it is.

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