Are Your Pets Affected By The Time Change?

Daylight savings

It’s Time to Set the Clocks Back!

The time changes and we all turn our clocks back. We do love to “Fall behind” don’t we?  An extra hour of sleep! Hmm….. I wonder, what my dog thinks about all of this.  “Mom, why aren’t you up to walk me? Hey, get out of bed, I have to go outside!!!” Our pets, like humans’ bodies, operate on circadian rhythm cycles. Our biological clock is set by the circadian rhythm cycles.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. They are found in most living things, including animals, plants and many tiny microbes. The study of circadian rhythms is called chronobiology.

Fall back

As adults, we find ourselves having to adjust to the time change. Well, for our dogs, they also have to adjust… They have to get used to a different time of being fed, walked, playtime, and even bathroom times.  You may notice your dog being a little anxious or grumpy also by the time change. Just like humans, they have to adjust and it takes a little time. Dogs are very dependent on a routine and daily schedule and they also notice something is different.

One suggestion to help them, prior to the time change, could be to modify their schedule in advance. For example, about two weeks prior to the time change, start their routines (feeding, walking, playtime, bathroom visits) about 20 minutes in advance. Then in another week start the routines about 40 minutes in advance. Then perhaps once the clocks fall back next year, their transition will be smoother.

The effects of the new schedule changes can affect a dog for a few weeks, but in time, you should notice things seem more normal again for your pet and they’ve adjusted to the time change just like you have.


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