Ready for the correct answers?
1. All Human Medicines will work on your pets if you adjust the dosage for their weight. FALSE. Not all human medicines are safe for use on animals. Many, many people make this simple mistake. Often many people talk to their pharmacists first. BUT BEWARE!Talk with your vet first — they are the experts on this. Like human meds be sure to place all pet meds out of harms way of pets and children.
2. Constricting Hand on dogs and cats is a protocol to control bleeding. TRUE. Apply strong but firm pressure with four fingers over the main artery with hand and thumb wrapping around the extremity or tail.
3. Death by poisoning is the least common preventable pet accident. FALSE. Death by poisoning is highly preventable! Some common deadly substances: Snail bait, rat poison and insecticides. AND don’t forget antifreeze or ethylene glycol. They can be lethal.
CPR and Choking
Keeping Your Pet Cool in the Summer