Credit: Mail online
Gigi the greyhound had two loving who spent $150,000 in order to decide who should maintain custody. They brought in animal behaviorists, reports on bonding and even used a birthday card sent from the pup to the wife. Ultimately the wife won.
Lucy the Lamb’s owner fell on hard times and asked a local rescue to care for her. After five months she wanted her back. The rescue said no, police were called and Lucy’s owner produced a receipt showing she laid $45.00 for her. She retained custody until the rescue decided to pursue legal action and won.
These days pet custody is becoming more and more prevalent. It is a serious issue. There are books written on the subject, there are mediators who specialize in it. With more and more people going through divorce and wanting custody of their pet, they are willing to go to any length to keep their pets in their lives. Most courts continue to consider pets as property and possession is 9/10 of the law. It all comes down to what they find in the best interest of the owner, not the pet and all too often one spouse will attempt to obtain custody not because they will be broken hearted without fluffy but to “get back at” the other. The pet becomes a pawn. To avoid this increasing issue, perhaps you should think about setting up some sort of written contract in the event the relationship ends. Married, dating or even roommates, it will make the process of keeping Fluffy safe and sound that much easier and less stressed during an already stressful time. Talk about this before things get ugly and decide who should retain the family pet, in the pets best interest. Also consider keeping all receipts for your pets. These receipts may come in handy down the line if you ever need to establish ownership of your pet in a custody case!