I wish I’d known about this earlier! If I had, I’d have told everyone about the Capital Area Animal Welfare Society (CAAWS) Mystic Krewe of Mutts Mardi Paws Parade. This year they held their 13th annual parade, and, as every year, the proceeds went to support the Baton Rouge community’s spay/neuter program. You just can’t have a better cause! The need for pet rescue would almost disappear if all pet owners spayed or neutered their pet. CAAWS is doing a great deed, and they do it with style every year. Check out their announcement for the parade, “The Bark in the Park” and “The Good, The Bad, and The Furry”! And then watch the wonderful video coverage of this year’s event at this site and this one. And if you’re so led, send them a donation. They’re a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization, and your donation is tax-deductible.
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