Have you found yourself at the end of the shopping season without having bought all your gifts? Are you worried that your gift will be lame or that you will appear to be clueless? There is no reason that a last-minute gift should be the least-considered or least-valued gift! Gift certificates are very good ways to give a thoughtful present to someone at the office or even someone very close to you. Especially thoughtful is when your gift certificate offers a lot of control to the recipient to use the certificate as he or she wishes. One such example is that of giving a gift certificate for services, such as pet sitting. The recipient can then decide whether to use the gift certificate toward an overnight stay, dog walking, pet taxi, pet relocation, or cat visit. Once they get started on the possibilities, the problem is making only one choice, so give several hours and make the gift of time last. Most pet sitters offer gift certificates, so contact one now!
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Creature Comforts Memphis was voted by Bluff City Bark Reader's Choice Awards for BEST PET SITTER, BEST DOG WALKER and BEST PET TAXI.
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