American Sniper – Solider Dogs

By now most of you have either seen or heard of the movie “American Sniper”.  This movie brings to light the life of the solider to an even greater extent.  It attempts to depict what soldiers, particularly a sniper, endures while serving our country overseas and how it affects their life upon their return.  Many times it is not a bed of roses or a romance novel the story of an American Solider.  This movie shows us some of this.  But did you also know there are the unsung four legged heroes who also serve this country?

Soldier Dog

There are many dogs who are serving in our armed forces, performing various acts that put their lives in peril every day.   Military Service Dogs. They perform a variety of duties and are stationed in many locations.  Here are a few:

Cane was a bomb-detection dog who served alongside Marine LCpl William Crouse.  They were looking for roadside IED’s when one went off.  They both passed away.

Lex stood guard over his partner every night while he slept in a soaking wet foxhole.  Always, at full attention for sounds and intruders just keeping his human safe.

Blek, Lucy, Ajax.  These are all Solider dogs who gave their lives to the service of the protection of this country.  There is an amazing book written that you must read.  It goes into details, some very graphic, about the lives of these four legged heroes.  This amazing book covers dogs  (and their handlers) in the service of infantry patrols, K9 Explosive Detection and much more.  The 2014 Book Lover’s Calendar says this: “Expect to drive everyone crazy with this one. While you’re reading it, you’ll fight the urge to read passages aloud to anyone nearby. (“Listen to this,” you’ll insist every paragraph or so, to friends and strangers alike.) Next thing you know, you’ll start obsessing over trying to adopt one of these remarkable canines. Your passion will be justified, though, because Goodavage’s inspiring, touching, and riveting stories of brave animals risking life and limb for their soldier companion is just that wonderful.”

Read it. Solider Dogs: The Untold Story of America’s Canine Heroes by Maria Goodavage.

I will wrap with this amazing quote: “War dogs have, indeed, served the nation well and saved many lives. Dogs continue to serve to protect Americans both in combat zones and in homeland security roles.” – General Colin Powell, USA (Ret.)

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