This weekend I went to a cooking class at Viking, where there is a beautiful selection of wonderful, interactive classes. This one was particularly exciting because it featured recipes for homemade dog treats. The recipes were easy to follow and the instructors were helpful. We made pet-safe, dog-healthy organic treats like “pupcakes” (cupcakes for puppies), doggie brownies, breath-saving treats, and peanut butter cookies.
They all looked beautiful, as you can see from the pictures, and they taste great. They’re much like the sort of baked goods you’d make for your family except that there is no salt in the recipes, and the sweetening is reduced. The major flavor in the brownies is supplied by carob, instead of chocolate. In the breath-saving treats, fresh mint does the trick. And in most of the goodies, a little honey is involved. Additionally, the class supplied a well-thought out table of ingredients to avoid, such as the ones we’ve talked about before. I can’t share the recipes with you because they’re copyrighted, but I can point you to some similar recipes from a great site, Daily Drool. The recipes are terrific, but if you have a small dog, you may want to avoid the garlic in those recipes. A big basset is able to handle it better than a small dog can. All of these treats are easy and quick to make. So, for a really happy dog, whip up a batch of homemade treats and you’ll both be dancing in no time!
where is the recipe?