Here come the holidays at the speed of, well, … the holidays! Are you ready? There are lots of good ideas for making the most of the time that remains in order to get everything done, not to mention hiring an independent, personal concierge. For many people, the main impediment to getting everything done is the lack of flexibility in the schedule. You’ve got your tasks, you’ve made your plan, and you’ve budgeted the time, but you have to get back at regular intervals to take care of your pets. Wouldn’t it be nice to get some flexibility in your schedule? A good pet-sitter can make all the difference in the world to your holidays. To find a pet-sitter, try Pet Sitters International’s site and use their locator. And read up on your local pet sitters by visiting their web sites. Keep in mind that most quality pet-sitters will offer you gift certificates. Pet sitters give you peace of mind and, especially, flexibility. That means time, and for the holidays, that’s saying a lot!
P.S. Be sure to get your holiday wardrobe ready, too!